A Zombie Inspired Custom Halloween Invite Featuring Original Poetry....
Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 3:10PM
FroggWhisperer in "spooky custom halloween party invitation, custom, custom invitations, oddFrogg, personalized, personalized halloween party invitations, zombie, zombie halloween party invites

If you're in need of cool, easy-to-customize invites for your epic annual Halloween Party, consider our Spooky Custom Halloween Party Invitation.  Zombie inspired design features a bit of original poetry:  "Somewhere Out There Is A THING" (of course, you'll respect the copyright).  You can easily customize the invitation by including your personalized party details to the back at no extra charge!  Have a look:  

Spooky Custom Halloween Party Invitation
Spooky Custom Halloween Party Invitation by oddFrogg
Original poetry copyright oddFrogg.com


Article originally appeared on oddFrogg (http://www.oddfrogg.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.