Crystal Bowersox. Beyond American Idol...
If you're like me, you think American Idol Season 9 has been non-eventful. Mostly. Then there's Crystal Bowersox who's a true artist. She's already there. She's beyond American Idol. An absolute joy to listen to who delivers each and every performance. I would pay money to see her perform. That's the test, right? Getting up off of some hard earned greenbacks to see a live performance.
Crystal's a shoe in for the Idol win. And she's going to have a long, brilliant career. Remember: You heard it first here at oddFrogg!
Here she is rockin' out four months before Idol. Are you on the fanwagon?

And the winner is.....wait for it...Lee DeWyze! Y'all know I was rooting for the indie chick, but Lee is the Idol, Season 9. Good on you, Lee. Best of luck to you. A duets album with Crystal would rock!
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