Vanity Is Underrated...
If you're like me, you find plenty of things to beat yourself up about. The least of which goes a little something like this: "why oh why did I eat yet another chocolate covered graham cookie?", or "why did I convince myself it was ok to skip my workout last night?", or "why aren't I living the sweet life somewhere exotic, surrounded by fabulousness?". You're no doubt picking up what I'm putting down.
In the midst of my personal "why's", Michael Jackson came to mind. Apparently Michael was, in spite of his talented brilliance, a lonely unhappy soul. And the love of tens of millions of fans didn't mean so much when he could not come to love himself. All this deep thinking inspired me to pen a haiku, a modern haiku in the name of self love. A modern haiku fit for a T-shirt:
Can you dig it?